CON: Title sounds like it was rejected by John Grisham. (Maybe that's a PRO)
The Farm: Angola, U.S.A.
PRO: Thoughtful documentary that actually got a bit of notice, and also got nominated. Somewhere, Michael Moore is crying.
CON: Prison movie with no lesbian couplings in the showers or Brigitte Nielsen-dominatrix types.
The Last Days
PRO: Spielberg-produced feature that could make up for Shoah not getting nominated 13 years ago. (Somebody goofed and forgot to show it in L.A.)
CON: Academy may have had its fill of Holocaust drama for one year.
Lenny Bruce: Swear to Tell the Truth
PRO: NC-17 rating prevents Leonardo DiCaprio from seeing the film. Replays some of Bruce's old routines, and two minutes of him is better than a lifetime of Chris Tucker.
CON: Today, Bruce's drug crazed, sex-addled stupor would be career-enhancing. Having a documentary glorify this means there's potential for a Daniel Baldwin flick a few years down the road.
Regret to Inform
PRO: Sounds like the 1930's film The Informer, which gets some points. We guess.
CON: I regret to inform you, the viewer, that we have no idea what the heck this is.
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